Keeping in Touch with Ethan & Olivia

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Olivia's Third Birthday

Ethan had his Christmas concert from his afternoon pre-school today. He did a great job singing. Troy had fun too, he especially liked the cookies at the end. Troy is at that busy stage, where all he wants to do is explore. He is going to fit right in at pre-school next year!!

Ethan also received his mid-year report card. It was very good, the first line was 'Ethan is very kind and considerate", which is what I am always trying to encourage him to be!!

Here is Olivia on her third birthday after enjoying a delicious meal consisting of french fries, pasta and cake (among other healthier foods). She loved all the foods that she doesn't get to have often. The problem is now that she has had them again she wants to continue to have them. If you don't watch her, she will "steal" Troy's food. She tolerated the foods well and since she doesn't need to be on a special diet anymore, we might try re-introducing some of her old favourites!

Olivia's present was a Sesame Street kitchen, which she (and Troy and Ethan) loved!
Ethan's JK Christmas concert was on Tuesday. Although he seemed bored at times (and didn't sing nearly as much as he did at home), Ethan did a good job. He had his only line to say, which he did really well.
Here is Ethan with some of his classmates before his Christmas concert.
I really wanted to get a picture of the three kids together for a holiday card. After trying on at least two occasions, I almost gave up (then I found out Future Shop has cards with four pictures on them. I was able to put a cute individual picture and one group picture on the card). As you can see, Olivia (and Troy) often did not want to cooperate.

Troy is doing really well. He likes bringing you books to read or toys to open. He continues to love puzzles and taking things out of the kitchen and bathroom cupboards. He has really enjoyed exploring Ethan and Olivia's classrooms this week. He does not seem to be at all shy - he wants to be where the action is!!
Here is Olivia enjoying some french fries at her birthday lunch!
On Sunday, we went to Sydney's 2nd birthday party and they had a special visitor - Santa. We have not been to see the mall Santa yet. I am hoping to try tomorrow - depending on how much snow we get tonight.

Last weekend we had a birthday party for Olivia. Auntie Me Me bought her a blow up ball house - which was a hit with all three kids. The good news about having 3 kids under 5 is that they often like the same toys!!
Troy (who loves balls and cars) really just wanted to throw the balls out of the ball house!!! More balls to keep track of - just what I need!!!
We had our first major snow last week and we took Troy out to play. He liked it. He will likely have another chance to play in lots of snow again tomorrow!!

At her party on Saturday, we had a chocolate cake, which Olivia was not much interested in. She actually spit out the icing - I can't believe my daughter doesn't like icing!! She really liked the lemon pie though!!!

Here's Olivia and Sydney enjoying the ball house!

We will report back after Christmas and see if Santa was good to us. Ethan has a special chart (to encourage listening) that will determine how lucurative his visit from Santa is. So far he is 50/50 - some days he gets stickers (which will translate into a small present) and other days he gets an X (no present). Although Ethan was just telling me that Christmas isn't just about getting presents, it's about spending time with your family and friends that you love.....