Keeping in Touch with Ethan & Olivia

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Checking Out Our Family Blog

I have been meaning to look up the blog I used to write when the kids were little, so that I could print off the pages and keep them as keepsakes in case this blogging site every shut down. 

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading it.  It was a really great way to capture those times in their lives.

As a result, I am going to try to post one a month or so, as more of a keepsake for our family.  I can't believe how quickly the time goes by.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

At long last...

It has been a long time since I had last blogged...there just doesn't seem to be enough time! Where to start??

We had a Happy Thanksgiving at Papa's house. Papa and Margaret have a kitten - both Troy and Ethan wanted to take it home with us!

Ethan recently lost his first tooth. His was very excited, especially about the $5.00 the tooth fairy left for him.

Meet the newest addition to the Loewen family - Chloe. She is super cute. Ethan and Troy love her!

Ethan and Troy love playing together. Ethan is enjoying his role as big brother - even if he often gets a little bossy with Troy. He gets so worried if Troy runs ahead anywhere - he doesn't want him to get lost! I am often having to remind him that it is my job to discipline Troy. Last night before bed he told me that he was going to be a strict parent one day and that the mom (i.e.: his wife) would likely be the nice one! This is Troy and Ethan at African Lion Safari - it's hard to believe that less than a month ago it was that warm!

Looking at this picture reminds me of how much I miss summer! Ethan keeps telling me it can't be this cold, it's only October! Olivia had lots of fun in the summer swimming. Here she is at the Topolski pool - Jerry was very worried that she would drown (despite the water wings).

In September, we celebrated a number of birthdays. Here is Paola - her birthday is the day after Troy's.

Here is my little boy on his second birthday. We celebrated by going to Boston Pizza for lunch. I can't believe he is 2 already! Where has the time gone? He is enjoying going to preschool and no longer cries when I drop him off (although I often get the sad eyes). He is starting to not want to nap in the afternoon, which is sad for different reasons - nap time is the best time of the day!!! Today I put him in Olivia's crib to sleep and about 20 minutes later I heard some noise - he had somehow managed to climb out of the crib and come downstairs - yikes!!

Ethan is liking his new SK class. He has started playing hockey - he is still not a great skater but he is enjoying going to play each week. He also started Beavers - which is likes.
Ethan's obsession of the moment is (or was when this picture was taken) Harry Potter. His obsessions change so frequently - he is no longer interested in Star Wars of Bakugans and now likes Transformers and Harry Potter.
We went to a number of petting zoos and farms during the summer -Troy liked feeding the animals.
Troy also lives doing crafts. One of his favourite activities is playing with these foam stickers, making pictures and colouring.
Ethan and Olivia took swimming lessons this summer - Troy liked to help out by cleaning the pool!
Olivia loved the swimming lessons and is getting close to swimming on her own. Hopefully by next summer. she will master it!
Ethan is now a natural in the water and loves diving in and jumping off diving boards.
In August, we enjoyed a short visit from Auntie Jen. She wasn't feeling very well during her visit (she is expecting), so Ethan made her a feel better card! Ethan is looking forward to having a little cousin next March.
Olivia is her same old happy self. She is doing well and is almost completely potty trained!
Some pictures from our visit to the Toronto Zoo..
Here we are celebrating my mom's birthday in late July...
Troy discovered his love of chocolate pudding!! At his two year check up, he weighed 34 pounds and was almost 3 feet - he is a lot bigger than Ethan was at this age. He seems to love chocolate, pasta and bread! He is also my only child to like Timbits and know nows when he drive by a Tim Horton's.
That's it for now, I swear I will try to post again before Christmas. I am hoping that work will quiet down in a couple weeks....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Catching Up

It has been so long since I blogged, I can't remember if I put any pictures up of Steve and Wendy's visit - I think I did but in case I didn't here is one from their visit.

Troy is a big fan of the splash pad at the park by our house. He also likes pushing his friend Olivia's stroller at the splash pad!
I can't believe how big my little guy is getting. He started pre-school last week. Every time I leave he cries and says "Mama there" and points to me because he doesn't want me to leave. The teachers assure me that he settles quickly and has a great time when he is there.

Olivia's two favourite summer activities are swimming and the swing. She is taking swimming lessons and is doing really well. She loves swimming under the water.
Last week, we had a death in the family - Bluey, Ethan's beta fish. Bluey lived with us for over a year. While Paola was on vacation, Scott cleaned out the bowl and shortly thereafter we found Bluey floating sideways in the middle of the bowl. Ethan wasn't too upset initially but has often talked about it since. Here is Ethan and Scott sending Bluey back to the sea.
Ethan and I went to Canada's Wonderland for the day a couple of weeks ago. He had a blast. He was slightly disappointed that he could not go on all the big roller coasters, he is not quite 48 ". I am trying to convince him to eat healthy food so that he can grow and go on the big rides but it hasn't worked too well so far.
Some pictures of some of the kids at my high school friends summer bbq.

Some pictures from Father's Day..

Troy loves giving everyone hugs. After school when Ethan and Aidan would get off the school bus, he would give both of them a hug. When Ethan is not tormenting Troy, he is asking him for a hug! Here they are at Ethan's end of the year school party.
This is Ethan and his afternoon teacher, Miss Cathy. Ethan loves Miss Cathy!! At his graduation, all of the kids read books to the class - it was great to see.
Here is Olivia. She continues to be her sweet self. Scott and I went away to a friend's cottage this weekend and Olivia stayed with Carolyn, Carly and Harry. She was so good that they wanted to keep her. Carolyn says Olivia is more her speed than the other two!! The fact that she likes to sleep in works too!

I can't believe the summer is almost half over! Hopefully the weather will improve soon. It has been very busy so far. I am hoping August will be a little quieter so we can get some stuff done around the house! I will also try to update the blog more regularly so the Victoria crowd can see how the kids are doing!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nana and Grampy's Visit 2009

We just finished enjoying a visit from Nana Wendy and Grampy Steve. We had a great visit. Grampy took care of many of our fix-it chores - he is so handy. Wendy as always helped with the kids, the house and the laundry. We were all sad to see them leave!

We celebrated Mother's Day at my sister's house with a family bbq. Ethan, Olivia and Troy bought me some beautiful flowers and a musical card. Scott took the kids grocery shopping, which was a treat as well!
Trying to get a picture with me and the three kids proved to be impossible, so I had to settle for an indvidual picture with each of them.

Ethan had Mother's Day celebrations at both his schools and this year he had two nanas and me to celebrate with. Nana Charlotte and I went to his morning school Mother's Day Tea. The class sang some songs and made us beautiful crafts.
Nana Wendy and I went to his afternoon school Mother's Day Tea. At this tea, each of the kids sang the chrous to "You Are So Beautiful to Me." Ethan did a great job, it was amazing!
Troy enjoyed checking out the lockers at Ethan's school!

In mid-April, Scott went away on his annual golf trip. The kids and I used the free weekend we won at Michelle and Kevin's stag and doe to go away to Collingwood. In restrospect, it probably wasn't one of my best ideas - considering all the packing and travelling involved for two nights away with three kids. Here is Troy and Olivia having a nap after one of our walks.
Here's Ethan catching some sleep after using all his energy bothering his little brother! I keep trying to tell Ethan that one day he will be really happy to have a little brother. However, right now Troy just seems like a pest who wants to take his Bakugans!
The highlight of the weekend away for the kids was playing on the balcony. All three of them had a blast running. jumping and playing together.